

Happy 15 YEARS!!!

The story of Christine & Pete Salinas 

15 years ago today I saw my favorite & only sis get married to her best friend. I cried through the whole ceremony, but I was there..standing next to her, holding her bouquet. Never imagined I'd be typing this "love story" up right about now. You ask how they fell in love, well all I know is that I had some part in it--I was selling Girl Scout Cookies!! And just to make my sister happy, I walked up to Pete & asked him if he'd buy some cookies...he did & she was in love! He liked the SAME cookies as she did! here's my side of their story! 

At the time that they got married, Christian was already born. But he was cute as a button and oh so smart! Well 3 years into their marriage, Pete adopted Christian. (It was cold that day & I got to skip school just to see this amazing thing happen!)  I believe Christine was preggers with Paige. And then she was born in May! She was beautiful & I had a blast dressing her up! (still do)  It was then that Pete & Christine decided they didn't want anymore kids. That they were happy with 2! Between the time that they decided this, Pete had surgery and between the time that they decided that that wasn't what God wanted for them...Pete got it reversed! And during all of that, it had been 5 years...and Brason was born! I'll always remember the meaning of his name, "Gift From God", granted they are, but let me finish my story ;). 2 years passed and then Landon was born. For the past 5 years (then till present) Brason & Landon have been inseperable! (Peat & Repeat ;)) 2 incredible short years later, Aiden was born!! Our little tubby monkey! He wasn't very socialable when extended family would come over, but he got over that once he met my sweet Brady for the first time..I'll admit, I was jealous! But at least he was happy! 2.5 years later, Christine was blessed with ANOTHER girl!!! After 4 boys and 1 girl, we were all ready for this little blessing to arrive! She was born in December, mommy & daddy gave her the name Noelle & baby girl is crawling & climbing and growing up too incredibly fast!!! 
Needless to say, I'm a proud sister, sis-in-love & Aunt. I'm so truly blessed to call them MY family! And I know God definitely put you two together! Happy 15th Anniversary! 

Have a blast on your date tonight! Love you both so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my sweet Kimbo. I love you. I'm so blessed. God has been so gracious to us. Never would I have imagined the life I have now yet I wouldn't change one thing. It is the most incredible life - living for and serving our Great God.

    In the last 2 months you have probably gotten a taste of what I meant when I said that marriage was for your holiness as well as your happiness.

    Love you sweet sis.
