

Mirror Mirror

I was looking in the mirror the other day...wondering to myself why in the world people (women in particular) say the things they do about other women. According to random women I've met for the FIRST time like to ask me all sorts of questions as to why "I'm so BIG!" Must I explain my answer to them?! No...instead I just tend to keep my mouth shut...BUT I can't keep it shut anymore! It's becoming more and more apparent that women were not brought up the same way I was! Or they just don't care...

Last night my husband & I were at my sister's church participating in the Seder. We had followed my sister to the nursery to get my youngest nephew & niece. I don't remember how we got on the subject, but my sister & I were talking about how far along we were. We said "We're 14 weeks" the lady didn't understand why we were saying it in weeks. So we broke it down for her and said "We're about 3 1/2 months" As soon as I said that, the lady freaked and said "WWWHHHAAAT???? You're 3 1/2 months?! Wow!!" (Basically implying that my stomach was bigger than it probably should be) 

It doesn't bother me that people think I'm bigger than what "I should be", what bothers me is that they don't need to voice their opinions every time I tell them how far along I am. 

So next time you look in the mirror and wonder what you could do to change something about you...don't wonder, because the women who talk bad about you are the ones that are jealous of you! 

Have a wonderful weekend and a Blessed Easter! 

1 comment:

  1. It is a shame. A total shame that women do this. Men don't do this to each other. I don't think it is that they are jealous, I think they are just in general crabby and sometimes must be trying to make themselves feel better. But I must interject here that the woman in the nursery DID NOT go to our church. She was hired help. They checked her background but not her rudeness level!!

    Also, that woman was at least 50. Chances are that she was taught better. So I don't know why she felt like she needed to do that. And it's that generation of women who seem to be saying it so much.

    shame on them!

    But that's their deal. You're better off to not respond and not hold any bitterness towards them either.

    I Love you.
