Almost 4 weeks ago, I took a big step and decided to go to Grief Share. It's a group that takes 13 weeks to understand all the issues and things that come with grief and how to cope with them. My mom goes too and I think that makes it easier on me.
This class has helped me to better understand that what I'm feeling isn't a bad thing, but that others around me have to understand that I won't jump back to myself in a week. We were told a couple of weeks ago to write a letter to friends or family. I've been putting it off and now I'm realizing that I shouldn't. So if you're reading this, here's my letter to you.
Dear friends and family,
I lost my dad on September 14, 2013. Although it was a peaceful passing in which we (my mom, Sis & I) sat by my daddy's bed and sang "It Is Well with My Soul." That song could not bring more truth to someone who is going into heaven. God called him home. I miss him terribly & not a day goes by that I don't think of him. You may see me soon and wonder how I'm doing, and I may tell you "I'm ok," but deep down, my heart aches and breaks every time he is mentioned. It won't take months and it could take years, but I know with God's help, I'm going to get through this. I am in a rut, and if you come to my house and see several loads of clean laundry waiting to be folded or hung up, don't worry, I'll get to it eventually. I'm learning that this is part of my grief journey. Please still love me as I love you, please be my shoulder to cry on if I ever need it, and please remind me that God will get me through this, as he's gotten me through everything else.
Thank you for understanding.
Love Always,