

The little things God blesses us with

Aside from all the wedding stuff, I just wanted to take a minute to thank God for all the blessings he gives us, especially the LITTLE ones.

I have a dear friend that has shown me so much in such little time we have known each other. She was definitely placed in my life by God and for a special reason. Her and her little family have been such a blessing to both Brady & I and I'm not sure what I would do without them now! I just can't imagine my life before them! You can follow her blog as well. Mama Atkins is a wonderful, sweet woman!

The main reason I'm really blogging about her today is because just a few weeks ago I'd invited her and her family to church. They came, and enjoyed the atmosphere of the small church feeling! Everyone got so used to them being there 2 weeks in a row, that they would ask  "Where's your friends this morning?" Well after having their 2nd little girl just 3 weeks ago and coming to church this past Sunday-they decided the Lord was calling them to join. Which is a huge blessing in itself, because we need more young couples!

Brandi and I have so much in common! We talk on a regular basis and if we go a day without texting each other, it's because she's busy being a great mom and I'm busy with wedding stuff! She's definitely a sweet little blessing from God!

Just remember to thank God for both the little and BIG blessings in your life!


  1. aw I love you Kim this kinda made me tear up. We love you guys both so much & cant imagine our lives w/o yall in it.God definitely saw to it that we became friends =)

  2. True friendship is one of the bestest things that God gives to us besides our spouses and children, and family, and ...well, I think you guys get the pic! LOL! Enjoy your blessings! And Brandi, I didn't get to hug your neck Sunday, but I wanted to tell you how truly happy that you have added your family to our little church family and I look forward to getting to know you! Phyllis Mc
