

14 days....14 random things I love about him

Well we're officially at the 2 WEEK mark!!!! Yay!!!

So I decided to make this post all about BRADY KENT DAVIDSON!!! He may be embarrassed when he reads it, but I wanted it to be special! <3

In no specific order, here's 14 things I love about him & random things as well!

1. He loves me! He knows I'm crazy, I have an attitude, I'm moody and yet through it all, he still loves me! (Shocker, huh? lol)
2. He LOVES chocolate
3. He has to enjoy some nerdy time on the computer for at least 3 hours a couple of times a week, otherwise he goes crazy! lol
4. Even on my "not-so-attracting-days" he still calls me beautiful
5. He'll have a Venti Vanilla Bean Frapp with no whip please!
6. He's simple, he doesn't ask for much, yet he's still so hard to buy for!!
7. He has a passion for serving the Lord. He helps where he's needed (i.e. the youth group, helping other men at church)
8. I find it funny that he gets embarrassed when I start dancing in the store!
9. He is the most handsome man I know (besides my daddy)
10. When he kisses me on my forehead, my heart melts
11. Not gonna lie, I love when he spoils me!
12. One of the many things to add to the list of why I love him, HIS FAMILY. They're all so sweet!
13. He has a gorgeous smile
14. He's funny like my daddy, always cracking bad jokes that I laugh at every time!!

14 days till I am forever Mrs. Brady Davidson, and I sure can't wait!!

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